The first workshop of FETP frontline cohort 5, a five-day workshop from 20-25 November 2023, has been successfully completed at Mittapheap Hotel in Kampot Province. There were 38 participants joints this workshop including 20 trainees (8 females), 10 mentors (1 female), 8 trainers and facilitators (2 females). The trainers and facilitators were from Cambodia Communicable Disease Control Department, US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) office in Cambodia, and South Asia Field Epidemiology and Technology Network (SAFETYNET).
Ministry of Health of Cambodia has selected twenties public health officers to join their recent FETP frontline cohort 5. The twenties health officers are currently working as rapid response team (RRT), and surveillance and response officers at operational health districts, provincial health departments, and communicable diseases control department. They came from 13 provinces and city across Cambodia. This FETP frontline course has started with the implementation of the first workshop on 20 November 2023 and will conclude its course cohort in February 2024.
Since 2019, Cambodia Ministry of Health, with support from various partners such as World Health Organization, US CDC, and SAFETYNET, has trained 96 frontline health officers across the country while the country targeted to train at least two frontline health officer at the operational district level in the next 5 years. SAFETYNET committed to provide support to Cambodia to continue building field epidemiology capacity with its own partner, US CDC.
#FETPfrontline, #CambodiaFETP #SAFETYNET #SAFETYNETUSCDC #CambodiaMOH #CambodiaCDC #publichealthworkforce #publichealth #FETP #fieldepi
Picture #1 – Workshop 1 group photo at the opening day presiding over by Dr. Yi Sengdoeurn, Deputy Director of Cambodia CDC and FETP Director
Picture #2: Ms. Ly Kanha presented her group discussion results to the class.
Picture #3: In-class activities.
Picture #4: In-class activities.
Picture #5: trainees joined the group discussion on flow of surveillance system in their workplace.
Picture #6: In-class activities.
Picture #7: Trainees took part in a role play.