Mentorship is the key to a successful and sustainable Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP). South Asia Field Epidemiology and Technology Network (SAFETYNET) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, USA provided technical support to the National Health Training Center (NHTC) for organizing the Mentorship Development Workshop to start the first cohort of FETP in Nepal on November 3-4, 2022.
In the workshop, 26 mentors were trained in FETP philosophy, mentoring basics, FETP course curriculum, and field projects. Selected mentors were the senior public health officials from the Ministry of Health and Population, professors from universities, officials from armed forces, and experts from development partners.
Dr. Fadzilah Kamaludin, Deputy Director, SAFETYNET, Dr. Alden K Henderson, Public Health Specialist, CDC, and Dr. Mallick Masum Billah, SAFETYNET Country Head, SAFETYNET Nepal facilitated the workshop. Dr. Madan Kumar Upadhyay, Division Chief, Quality Standard and Regulation Division, MOHP, Nepal, Dr. Dipendra Raman Sing, Director General of Health Service, Dr. Yadu Chandra Ghimire, Director of National Health Training Center, Nepal inaugurated the workshop. All mentors were awarded certificates at the end of the workshop.