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[CLOSED] FETP Short Course Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant


FETP Short Course Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant

A local consultant is needed to provide technical support to the General Department of Preventive Medicine (GDPM), Viet Nam Ministry of Health (MOH) to develop a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) component for the revised field epidemiology short course training program for provincial level epidemiology staff in Viet Nam.



In 2018, the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) Short Course Program in Viet Nam will undergo important revisions to meet the epidemiology training needs at the local level. A key component of this revision process will be the design and implementation of a robust M&E component.

The purpose of the M&E component is to determine the extent to which the revised short course program actually meets the needs identified by the Training Needs Assessment (supported by WHO and US CDC) and addressed by the revised short course curriculum and mentoring program. Because of these important needs and the relatively short timeframe, GDPM, in cooperation with international partners from SAFETYNET, WHO, and US CDC, plans to retain a consultant who can support the design and implementation of this new M&E component.

Importantly, this M&E component will address both aspects of the short course program: 1) classroom work such as lectures, exercises, and case studies which, together, should require no more than 25 percent of a trainee’s time; and 2) field work such as surveillance evaluations, outbreak investigations, and data analyses, which together should constitute at least 75 percent of the trainee’s time. These two components, which are important and complementary, require different approaches to training and, therefore, different approaches to M&E. In particular, the field component also encompasses the critical element of mentoring, which also requires special M&E attention.


Planned timelines (subject to confirmation)

Start date: 1 June 2018

End date: 30 June 2019

Note: The consultancy will be carried out in phases as follows:

  • Phase 1 (Development of M&E framework and tools): June to September 2018

  • Phase 2 (Implementation of M&E framework for pilot course): January to March 2019


1. Work to be performed(on a part-time basis)

Description of the tasks

Under the guidance of GDPM/MOH, and in collaboration with the GDPM-designated Technical Working Group (TWG, comprised of representatives from Regional Institutes, WHO, SAFETYNET, academic partners, and US CDC), the consultant is expected to undertake the following tasks:

  • Review all available data on previously delivered FETP short courses in Viet Nam, including the geographic distribution of the trainings, the participants, the curriculum delivered, and outcomes.

  • Review M&E materials from the current MOH-approved short course curriculum, as well as other curricula used in other epidemiology trainings in Viet Nam, e.g., One Health, Applied Veterinary Epidemiology Trainings, and Viet Nam One Health University Network (VOHUN) trainings and elsewhere (e.g., Frontline).

  • Design a M&E framework, including relevant indicators and data collection tools, that takes into consideration the review of the above materials as well as the desired competencies (identified by a previously completed training needs assessment); the surveillance and outbreak response needs at the local level; opportunities for improvement identified by recent assessments such as the 2015 Joint External Review of FETP, the 2016 Joint External Evaluation, the 2017 review of surveillance for vaccine-preventable diseases; MOH, regional, and local public health priorities; mentoring needs and proposed strategies for strengthening mentoring of the field component of the short course program, and related information shared by national, regional, and local public health authorities.

  • Present the M&E framework to the TWG so that TWG members can discuss the framework and provide feedback for potential revisions.

  • Conduct field testing of the M&E framework during the pilot implementation of the revised short course program, perform analysis of M&E data collected during the pilot, prepare an assessment report, and provide recommendations for revision to the M&E package.

  • Propose the design of an electronic M&E database for the FETP short course program for managing implementation and effectiveness of training activities

  • Develop final consultancy report at the end of contract.

Methods to carry out the activities

  • The consultant will work closely with the TWG to develop the M&E plan, design M&E tools, support the implementation of the M&E frameworkusing the tools developed, compile results, perform data analysis and write the assessment report.

  • Proposed methods include: meeting, consultation, document review, field observation, analysis of M&E data.

  • The proposed M&E package will be presented to the FETP Management Board, GDPM, the FETP Steering Committee, and will be shared at a stakeholder workshop as a key aspect of the revision of the short course program.

Output 1: Proposed design for M&E framework for revised short course program.

Deliverable 1.1: Meeting with FETP management board to discuss available data from previously administered short courses.

Deliverable 1.2: Alignment between list of core epidemiologic competencies for preventive health staff at local level and potential measurable outcomes that relate to those competencies.

Deliverable 1.3: Identification of potential challenges to implementation of M&E framework.

Output 2: Review and revision of proposed framework

Deliverable 2.1: Review of framework with TWG and other stakeholders and list of recommended revisions.

Deliverable 2.2: Revisions to framework.

Deliverable 2.3: Packaging and presentation of final framework to TWG.

Output 3: Implementation of framework.

Deliverable 3.1: Field testing of framework.

Deliverable 3.2: Report of field testing of framework and revisions to the M&E framework.

Deliverable 3.3: Final consultancy report.

2. Technical Supervision

The selected Consultant will work under the supervision of Ms. Nguyen Phuong Thuy, FETP Program Officer based at GDPM and Dr. Maria Concepcion Roces (SAFETYNET Technical Officer).

3. Specific requirements

Qualifications required:


  • Academic background in public health and related field, including MPH or MAE or other public health aspects.

  • Demonstrated basic knowledge of disease surveillance systems, outbreak investigations, and response in Viet Nam.


  • Completion of an applied public health training program, such as FETP

Experience required:


  • With 10-15 years’ experience in applied public healthepidemiology


  • Demonstrated expertise in monitoring and evaluation of public health training programs

Skills / Technical skills and knowledge:


  • With 10-15 years’ experience in research on public health practice and/or public health education and training

  • Ability to work independently and in a team

  • Sound knowledge in both qualitative and quantitative research

  • Experience in monitoring and evaluation of public health training programs


  • Experiences in implementing/ managing field or applied epidemiology training program/ activities

Language requirements:


  • Good communication and written skills in Vietnamese and English

4. Other skills and competencies

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

  • Ability to plan and prioritize challenging workloads

  • Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team

  • Availability to travel

5. Place of assignment

The consultant will be working in Ha Noi under the supervision of the FETP Management Board and in close consultation with the TWG formed by GDPM and separate consultant (retained by WHO) to perform a training needs assessment. The consultant will also work closely with partners from regional institutes, PPMCs, WHO, and US CDC. During the contract period, the consultantis also required to travel to selected provinces to assist with implementation and assessment of M&E activities.

6. Medical clearance

The selected consultant will be expected to provide a medical certificate of fitness for work.

Interested applicants should send their CVs or resumes to Dr. Maria Consorcia Quizon, Executive Director, SAFETYNET at on or before May 20, 2018.

Please note that application email subject title should be: "[Job] FETP Short Course Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant Application"

Only short-listed applicants will be called for an interview.

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