Applied Epi is a non-profit organization established by a community of applied epidemiologists with R expertise and extensive experience in outbreak response. The organization developed and provides the “Epidemiologist R Handbook” for more than 650,000 users all over the world and also delivers practical R training courses to over 350 public health agencies worldwide.
Appiled Epi will conduct the training course on “Introduction to R for Applied Epidemiology” in May. The detailed information are as follow:
Hours: 40 hours, virtual, synchronous (with unlimited 1-on-1 tutoring)
Language: English
Seats: 18 seats
Dates: 8 May - 10 June
Days: Mondays and Wednesdays (2x per week)
Time: 02:30-06:00 GMT (e.g. starts on 8 May at 08:00 India, 10:30 Manila, 12:30 Sydney, 14:30 Auckland, 19:30 Los Angeles, 22:30 NYC). Be aware of your local daylight savings time, as it may shift your class time.
Platform: Google Meet (free, no download required)
Price: US $975
Registration link:
Contact for questions:
If you are interested in the training topic, kindly contact Applied Epi for further information and application.