A message from TEPHINET
Carl Reddy, MBBCh, FCPHM, MSc (Epi)
The Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET) congratulates the South Asia Field Epidemiology and Technology Network (SAFETYNET) and the Taiwan Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) on the fruition of their collaboration to host the first online scientific conference for the Southeast Asia and Western Pacific regions.
Collaboration is key to TEPHINET’s mission of developing, connecting, and mobilizing a global field epidemiology workforce to strengthen public health systems and advance health security. We salute the FETPs, alumni and residents in the region who rallied to the call to respond to COVID-19. Conference participants will take advantage of this opportunity to share their experiences, exchange knowledge and consolidate their learning. In doing so, they will gain valuable insights and inspiration for their future work.
Whilst the current COVID-19 pandemic provides incredible field learning opportunities, it has also revealed numerous challenges and opportunities for field epidemiology capacity building in the Asian and Pacific regions. TEPHINET reiterates our commitment to support and facilitate efforts to expand field epidemiology training, adapt existing training to reflect current needs (including vaccine surveillance and safety) and harness the support of partners and stakeholders to ensure FETP preparedness and response for whatever lies ahead.
Carl Reddy, MB.BCh, FCPHM, M.Sc.(Epi)