A message from Taiwan Centers of Disease Control
Jih-Haw Chou, DDS, MPH
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Southeast Asia and Western Pacific Bi-Regional Field Epidemiology Training Program COVID-19 Online Conference.
The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, which hosts the Taiwan Field Epidemiology Training Program (Taiwan FETP), has been inundated with COVID-19 response, in addition to our regular infectious disease control activities. However, we understand the importance of having this FETP conference, where we all can come together to share our work and help each other acquire further knowledge. Thus, against all odds, we have organized this conference in collaboration with SAFETYNET.
FETPs have played a pivotal role in the global COVID-19 response. Through the sharing of our experiences during the pandemic at this conference, we can learn from each other and thrive as a network.
As an alumnus of Taiwan FETP, I remember the excitement and trepidation when I joined conferences like this one as a trainee eager to learn from others who received similar training, yet worked on different real cases in their countries.
I look forward to sharing and discussing COVID-19 experiences and information with you all.
Once again, welcome to this online conference, and enjoy the conference.
Jih-Haw Chou, DDS, MPH
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control