9th TEPHINET Global Scientific Conference held in Chiang Mai, Thailand

As the Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Information Network (TEPHINET) marks its 20th year of service, its members and associates from all over the world have gathered in Chiang Mai, Thailand to take part in the 9th TEPHINET Global Scientific Conference from August 7 to 11, 2017. The conference, which is organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health of the Kingdom of Thailand, offers extraordinary opportunities for fellows and graduates from FETPs and applied epidemiology programs to present the results of their activities since the last conference.
TEPHNET Director Dioniso Herrera Guibert noted that the celebration of TEPHINET’s 20th anniversary during the Chiang Mai conference provides an opportunity to strengthen the collaboration between FETPs, improve their quality, and work in collaboration with its graduates to empower and mobilize a competent field epidemiology workforce for all people through standardized training, experiential learning, program quality improvement, mentoring, and knowledge exchanges in order to connect professionals better, faster and with quality across the globe.